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Roslynn Curtis


By: Roslynn Curtis

In life, I try my best to have little to no expectations so that I cannot be disappointed. I approached Kairos with a similar mindset. Within the first few moments, I was tasked with a difficult decision to give up my phone for the weekend. At first, I was hesitant; but after being reassured, I said goodbye to it on Friday knowing that I would not see it again until Sunday. That was one of the best decisions I made. 

Going through Kairos, I was without the anxiety caused by my phone, and it was freeing. I had no idea what time it was at any point in the day and it felt so refreshing to live in the moment. We were given journals relatively early in the experience and I thought to myself that this was just going to be another journal that I write in once and then never again. I’m glad to say that I was very wrong. 

I used that journal each day – at least three times a day – at Kairos. One of my favorite moments on Kairos that I experienced was when I was walking on the beach and I discovered this rock that when you would sit on it, you had the most perfect view of the sun beginning its descent into Lake Erie. This was the only time that I had wished for my phone so that I would be able to capture the moment. It was then that I decided that I might not be able to photograph it, but I would still always be able to recall it in my own way. I made a small sketch of my rock and its perspective. After I had set the scene I added myself, from that moment on I went through Kairos sketching moments to remember, but I was always drawn back to my moment on the rock and how at peace I felt. 

At the beginning of Kairos, I remember it was said that we should not worry about having our phones to take pictures; Dr. Lawrence was going to be around with his camera taking pictures. When I was on my rock, Dr. Lawrence was in the distance and asked if he could take a picture of me journaling there. I was ecstatic and said sure! After he had taken the pictures I was very nervous to see how they came out because being in pictures is something that I am insecure about. At the end of the weekend, we were sent all the pictures. I immediately went to see the pictures of my rock, but I was very surprised to see that he took more than one perspective. It was perfect. I may not have known it then, but signing up for Kairos was one of the best decisions I made. I wish I would have gone sooner. 


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