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How to Get Over a Breakup

Hannah Wiley

By: Hannah Wiley, Assistant Features Editor

If any of you have seen TikToks about breakup season and thought, “That’ll never be me and my significant other,” well, we're in the same boat! And if you’re really in the same boat as me, then you were wrong about the previous statement. But it’s okay! I’m going to teach you how to get over your breakup that succumbed to this fatal season.

If you’ve ever been through a breakup, then you are well aware of the feeling of impending doom after it happens and wondering how you are ever going to go on without a person you put so much of your time into. The first thing I got told was “It won’t feel like this forever,” and let me tell you, about five days ago — when someone first told me that — I thought to myself how stupid and untrue that was. But here we are, and I can attest that it does, in fact, not feel like that forever. 

One of the best decisions I made was to not talk to them. I know you probably just went, “What?!? How could I ever do that?!?” and trust me, I thought the same thing when I got told that at first by a couple of people, but it was genuinely the best decision I made. It not only showed me that I can, in fact, live without them, but it also revealed their true colors without the rose-colored glasses I previously had seen them through. 

The second-best decision I made was to surround myself with my friends. This whole breakup happened right before coming back to campus after Thanksgiving break, and the last thing I wanted to do was come back to campus and go to classes and take finals. But my parents, of course, said that staying home was not an option, so bright and early on Sunday morning I was being sent back to campus. I can say, now, with 100% certainty, that coming back to campus was the right choice for me. 

If there is one thing that is going to get you through a breakup, it’s your friends! Personally speaking, my friends have volunteered to go beat my ex up (please urge them not to, though), but they have also kept my mind off of things. They've made me laugh, they've made me smile and they've made me have the most fun I’ve had in months. I know that when a breakup first happens, things feel like they’re falling apart, but trust me, in time, the right choices will start to be obvious to you. For me, the moment that I realized it was for the best was when someone said to me, “I think last night was the first time I’ve seen you smile and laugh in months.”

I know getting over a breakup takes a lot more than your friends or not talking to the person, but it's important to remember that it will get better over time. 

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