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Jon Dusza, News Editor

Last Week in Senate

By: Jon Dusza, Managing Editor

The United Student Association (USA) Senate met last Friday, Nov. 8, for their weekly meeting. During the session, Canisius Men’s Basketball Coach Jim Christian addressed the body.

The meeting was loudly gaveled into session at 2:34 p.m. With no general student concerns being raised, the meeting began in earnest with executive reports from USA’s E-Board. President Tim Sanders was absent from the meeting, so Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations (VPMPR) Aaron Hall reiterated on Sanders’ behalf the letter which Sanders sent to the general student body following the presidential election last week. VPMPR Hall echoed the necessity to remain civil and relaxed following the election.

Executive Vice President Analee DeGlopper also spoke about the election, and the need for campus conversations to remain kind and respectful. DeGlopper also told the senate that four new senators will soon be joining the senate. She added that the revitalization of the USA website, which has been a priority for this current E-Board, is ongoing. Finally, she reported that USA Vice Speaker Ryan Harrington is working with the Humanities Student Union to move the books outside of the library to offices so that people can look more thoroughly through the books before they are disposed of. Vice President of Business and Finance Gabby Kaderli reported that she is working with SELD to start up Finance Board again next semester. 

Next up came cabinet reports. Diversity Chair Akil reminded the senate that this month is Native American History Month, and told the group to look out for related events throughout the month. JUSTICE Chair Szuba highlighted in her report the importance of environmental justice.

The liaison report session of the senate happened next. The reports were brief, with some topics being delayed until the next meeting so as not to keep Coach Christian waiting, but Library Services Liaison Riley clarified to the senate that the first books being thrown out in the library are duplicates. It was suggested that the library publish a list of books as they are thrown out, so that students can have a comprehensive list of the books available for the taking. Liaison Riley explained that such an idea would be difficult to implement. It was resolved that the senate would try to bring in a representative from the library to directly answer questions from students.

After that, Men's Basketball Coach Jim Christian addressed the senate. Before the game which Canisius played against St. Bonaventure last Saturday, Christian wanted to express the importance of fans and developing home court advantage at Canisius. Saying that to have a long-time rivalry with another school, like Canisius does with St. Bonaventure, is a privilege which students should take advantage of. Christian emphasized the mutual benefits a strong student presence at games could have for the basketball team and the students. “We will be great if we get people to come out and show up,” Christian said, and a good experience will make students want to come back. Christian also said that there is no greater advertisement for a school than a good basketball team. 

Afterwards, Coach Christian and Assistant Athletic Director for Revenue Generation and Fan Engagement Mike Kochczynski answered a few questions from senators. One of the questions was about how Canisius basketball was working on connecting more with the Buffalo community. Kochczynski described some of the promotions Canisius is doing within the community, but also expressed that his door is always open to any recommendations. Kochczynski also said that, starting Dec. 1, there will be a Canisius-themed beer available in stores in the Buffalo area.

After that, the senate underwent its normal closing procedure and was gaveled out of session at 3:21 p.m. The senate will meet next on Friday, Nov. 15 at 2:30 p.m.

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