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This Week in Senate

In the first Senate meeting back from winter break, the members of the Undergraduate Student Association got an update on the presidential search from President Alyssa Deacon, heard from Canisius’s new director of student engagement — Jason Francey —, approved appeals for four student organizations and held debates regarding filling the position of VP of Marketing & PR as well as Senate culture.

President Deacon noted that the search committee for the college’s new president has made progress, and there is a new Strategic Planning Committee through which she will work to facilitate discussions and create ideas with the help of the student body on ways to better campus culture under a new administration.

Advisor Francey gave a speech discussing his excitement to work with the student body, as well as the student leaders on campus, to make Canisius an inviting and engaged campus for all. Fusion, RHA, CSA and the returning American Marketing Association all received funding for future club events.

In a lively debate, Executive Vice President Zoe Kaminski introduced a proposal to appoint the next vice president of marketing and public relations (MPR) as a means of filling the position quickly, instead of holding a special election during this semester. Senator Daham was for appointing someone now but holding a special election as soon as possible this semester, per the USA constitution. After much discussion, it was decided to follow the constitution and appoint an interim VP MPR until a special election can be held soon.

In a surprising turn of events, this week’s open debate saw Senator Daham present a prepared statement about the culture of Canisius’s Senate. He talked about the organization needing growth and improvement, as well as the need to edit flaws in the constitution.

Senator Daham said that he believes the Senate hasn’t been as active and engaged for the student body as they should be, citing instances where he feels people do not deliberate or discuss proposals enough in an attempt to shorten the meeting. The purpose of his message, he said, was to inspire his fellow senators to engage more in their positions and make a meaningful impact on the student body.

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