Canisius Stress Less Day was sponsored by over ten organizations of the college, and Dr. Irwin came with Riley the therapy dog, on Wednesday in the Science Hall Commons, Old Main 013 and the Koessler Athletic Center (KAC).
Upon entering the Science Hall Commons, students were greeted by a table hosted by the Office of Student Life containing pamphlets about mental health resources, and small navy blue paper bags for them to carry the items handed out by the other tables.
Located directly behind the first table was the Counseling Center’s station where they applied aromatherapy essential oils to students' hands, and handed out acupressure rings to help them relax. What was most popular at their station amongst the students was their “biodots,” which were small dots that stuck to students' hands and would change color depending on how stressed or relaxed they were. Black meant they were stressed out, and blue showed that they were relaxed. Students compared their dots with each other to see which of them were and were not stressed.
Behind the Counseling Center’s station was the Undergraduate Student Association (USA) Sustainability table where they held a plant giveaway of small succulents with sheets that explained how to properly tend to the plants.
In the back left of the Science Hall Commons sat the Title IX Office’s table where students could paint small rocks with paint pens. They would write inspirational quotes, draw doodles or paint calming patterns on them. The table also had a bowl with candy for students to take while they painted their rocks.
Next to that was a table hosted by the Student Health Center that allowed students to create their own fidget rings. They would find their ring size, pick their material for the base of the ring and could loop small plastic beads around the ring to spin in order to help them relax.
In front of the Student Health Center was USA Diversity’s table where students could create their own face masks. Each one started with a base of honey, and students would choose another ingredient depending on which result they wanted. Next to the USA Diversity table was the USA Public Health station where journals were handed out to students that they could customize with stickers and paint pens. On the right side of the Science Hall Commons was the Commuter Student Association’s (CSA) table that held a big container of hot water where students could make hot tea to relax. Directly next to this station, Chartwells left pots with broccoli cheddar soup, and chicken noodle soup that students could serve themselves.
Around noon, Dr. Irwin arrived at the Science Hall Commons with Riley the therapy dog. Riley is three years old, and is a certified therapy dog. Dr. Irwin and Riley walked around the Commons allowing people to pet her and relax while they enjoyed the other services provided during the event.
Two more services held outside of the Science Hall Commons were free smoothies from Panera passed out at the KAC parking lot, and the kindness stones passed out by the Griff Center in the basement of Old Main in OM 013.