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Mission 100 Days: You’ve Got Time

Kyra Laurie

By Kyra Laurie, Photography Director

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” — Winnie the Pooh.

How do you say goodbye to something that you love so much? I hope you weren’t looking for a real answer because I honestly don’t have one. I’m going about writing my 100 days article the same way I did everything in college — winging it! #YOLO

One typical Wednesday in the fall of 2020, I was at my first internship. I was sitting at a large wooden table that was clearly intended to be for meetings, but it quickly became my space. My mentor, Julie Wojick, sat across from me at her desk. She looked over at me and asked how my first few weeks at Canisius were going. Of course, I spoke about my classes, the workload and the commute. But that was it. That’s all I did: go to class, do homework and go home. If it were up to me, I would thump freshman year Kyra on the forehead for thinking that was “the college experience.”

One thing to know about Julie Wojick is that she never, ever lets me settle. She has always pushed me to be curious, strive for excellence and become the unstoppable force she knew that I was destined to be. So, when I told her that the Commuter Student Association was looking for a freshman representative, but I simply did not have time for it, you would think I told her that I committed six major felonies before arriving that morning AND kicked a puppy into outer space (which would only have been half true). She looked at me and said, “Kyra, you’ve got time. You will always have time. Don’t miss out on this opportunity because of an excuse like that.”

From that moment on, “You’ve got time” became my motto. I think that truly says a lot about my college career. My jam-packed Google Calendar, long list of commitments and hours upon hours spent on campus became the norm for me. The truth? I loved every single second of it.

An average Thursday in the life of Kyra:

8:30 a.m. Hot Power Yoga

11:30 a.m. Class

1 p.m. The Griffin office hour

4 p.m. SPB Executive Board meeting

5 p.m. Phi Sigma Sigma Executive Council meeting

6 p.m. The Griffin

?:?? p.m. Bedtime

A frequently asked question I receive is “How do you have time for all of this?” My response at any given time, no matter how stressed out and tired I felt, was, “I always have time.” I always have time to goof off with my friends in the library; attend an event and cheer on a fellow student leader; take photographs for any club or event; design logos for Welcome Week, Griffmas and GriffFest; to become president of my sorority; to join far too many clubs and executive boards. Each day I spent on campus was always better than the last: I wouldn’t change a thing.

Throughout my time at Canisius, I dual majored in strategic communications and digital media arts. The faculty and staff in the communications department have pushed me to reach new heights and taught me to embrace anything thrown my way. Sometimes, it was creating a series of food that resembled weather conditions with Professor Dunkle. Other times, it was writing and performing a 10-minute stand-up routine with Dr. Wanzer. I completed three internships during my time at Canisius with unwavering support and guidance from Dr. Irwin and Professor Galasso. Each assignment, class and professor in this department has enhanced my communication and design skills, and they have given me the confidence to pursue a career in a field I am so passionate about. Because of this, I am happy to say that I have accepted a full-time position in design following the start of the new year.

Year after year, I’ve watched seniors on The Griffin staff write their “100 Days” article, making it look so easy and effortless. But, here I am, bawling my eyes out as I write this. Canisius has been and will always be home to me. However, I know that it is not the place itself that makes it feel like home — it’s the incredible, irreplaceable friendships and connections that I’ve made along the way. So, with that being said, I may physically be leaving Canisius, but I know that I will always carry it with me.

Thank you to my parents for always supporting me, no questions asked (even if you could never grasp the name of my sorority… it's Phi Sigma Sigma, Mom). Thank you to my siblings for always being my biggest fans. Thank you to Emma, Natalie and Liz for being my friends since day one. Thank you to my sorority sisters for always making me feel loved and appreciated. Thank you to The Griffin staff for always giving me creative licenses and trusting my processes. Thank you to all my friends and peers for the amazing memories and relationships I get to keep forever.

So, I am going to leave you with one piece of advice. No matter who you are or what you’re doing, always remember that you’ve got time. Take advantage of the time you’re given, and I promise you won’t regret it.

Of course, in typical Kyra fashion, I must end this article by saying, just one last time, “It’s a great day to be a Griff!”

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