By: Courtney Lyons, News Contributor
Wednesday, April 26 marked the unveiling of the 71st “Quadrangle,” Canisius College’s annually-published literary magazine, which showcases art of all forms from the school’s past and present students, staff and faculty. Celebrating the short stories, poetry, pictures and drawings from the campus at large, Grupp Fireside Lounge was alive with the palpable joy exuded among writers, photographers, artists and those appreciating the gifts of all three.
“Quadrangle” 71’s theme, “In Progress,” was described by Co-Editor-in-Chief Grace Brown as an opportunity to “applaud the different incarnations of ourselves.” Brianna Propis, also a co-editor-in-chief, expressed that “In Progress” is an “ode to the messiness of college,” typified by the journal’s cover of an all-too-familiar coffee-stained page.
The journal is spiral bound, an aesthetic decision incorporated by Quadrangle 71’s book designer Cassanna Dwyer and design advisor Ben Dunkle to capture the theme’s essence by resembling the many notebooks or sketchbooks inevitably possessed by its contributors. Inspired by Shel Silverstein’s “The Giving Tree,” Dwyer adorns the 144 pages of the Quadrangle with “simplistic, yet captivating illustrations” from apple cores to high-top shoes.
The readings from student contributors were the heart and soul of the unveiling. The opportunity to hear the inspiration and intentions behind a writer or artist’s work is a pleasure rarely bestowed, but invariably appreciated by attendees. From Hawa Saleh’s “The Desperate Attempt” about representation to Sam Marcotte’s tear-jerking “Loss, a Footnote after Rebecca Lindenberg,” hearing the emotion and inflection of an artist provides a remarkable voice that simply reading the ink of the page lacks.
Dr. Mick Cochrane, who is in his twenty-second year serving as the faculty moderator for the “Quadrangle,” describes the journal as a, “remarkably bright and distinctive star” that shines upon Canisius. Tasked with ensuring the light of the “Quadrangle” never extinguishes, the event concluded by introducing Mason Bowes, Maeve Devine and Emma Radel as the adept leaders of 72nd edition.
All are encouraged to grab a copy of this year’s magazine outside their club room on the second floor of the Richard E. Winter Student Center to enjoy over 100 diverse works from the campus community.